Same here, this is needed to avoid legal fines
Sabrina Oryekhova
Absolutely needed!!!
Abbie Lauronal
Merged in a post:
double opt-in
Yaci Manuba
option to enable double opt-in which is required by law in some countries.
Maxim Korac
We need double opt in!
Henry Reinders
I've been trying to address this issue too. But what is really baffling is that I emailed several app developers in the shopify app store to see if their popups integrate and trigger the shopify double optin email, and send it before marking the subscriber as confirmed.
I even installed a dozen different popups and none trigger the double optin... and get this, replies from these apps confirmed they do not integrate with the double optin from shopify - I have found ZERO apps that do so far (well one that is so basic, it is pityful).
And like you say, it is law in many western countries. Very odd as those same countries typically are the main target markets for most vendors. I think these app developers are mainly from countries where they do not have to do this. Poor poor app development IMO.
And what do you do if no popups conform. There is a couple, but they totally suck and their popups look SOOOO spammy, excuse the pun in regards to the issue at hand.
I'm still looking but I am getting the feeling I will have to pay for custom programming to modify an app to do this.